Botschafter Tosi Mpanu Mpanu
Conformity and HSE Director, Entreprise Générale du Cobalt
Ambassador Tosi Mpanu Mpanu possesses over two decades of experience in the areas of sustainable development, climate finance, renewable energy, critical minerals, environment and diplomacy. As Chief Negotiator of the Democratic Republic of Congo for the negotiation process under the UN Climate Convention, he has attended most of the UN climate conferences since 2007. He served as Chair of the African Group (2010-2011), as Chair of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Group (2016), as Chair of the Coalition of Rainforest Nations (2017-2019), and as Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (2020-2022). Amb. Tosi Mpanu Mpanu currently holds an Alternate Member seat on the Board of the Loss and Damage Fund, which was operationalized at COP28, in Dubai. Previously, he served on the Governing Board of the African Risk Capacity (2013-2021), a specialized agency of the African Union, as well as on the Board of the Green Climate Fund (2012-2018). He also held the positions of Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister (2016-2017), Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (2003-2007) and consultant at the World Bank in Washington (2000-2003). He is an alumnus of Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA), in France (Promotion Lucie Aubrac, 2013).
"Congo already has paid its climate dues. It allows the mining of minerals and metals such as cobalt and lithium that are key to the renewable energy industry and it plans to develop hydropower."

Ziel des Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetzes für Unternehmen ab 1000 Beschäftigen ist auch der verstärkte Schutz der Menschenrechte innerhalb der Lieferketten.
Im Plenum schauen wir ganz an den Anfang der Kette und diskutieren mit Vertretern des globalen Südens das Thema Rohstoffgerechtigkeit und Rohstoffverfügbarkeit: Aus der Perspektive der Demokratischen Republik Kongo. Der Kongo zählt mit begehrtem Kobalt, Kupfer, Diamanten und Gold zu den rohstoffreichsten Länder Afrikas – das ist eine Seite der Medaille.
Das Plenum findet in englischer Sprache statt.